Programın ismi "Sam Broadcaster" olması gerekiyor ve açıklamasında "DJ"lerin kullandığını yazıyor.
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Sam Broadcaster 4.2.2
SAM Broadcaster - Professional Internet broadcast DJ software. SAM is a
powerful & advanced broadcast automation solution that has been
undergoing continuous development now for over 5 years, specifically to
fully meet the "specialized" needs of online broadcasters. SAM3
currently features MP3, mp3PRO, Windows Media 9 and Ogg streaming
support, dual player decks, advanced playlist rotation logic,
management, real-time listener statistics, voice over / Mic input,
sound FX module, automated requests, required RIAA / DMCA Sound
Performance Accounting / Reporting features, HTML web output, Built-in
audio processors, multi server support including - Live365, Shoutcast,
Icecast, Windows Media and much much more!
Link 15/04/2009 tarihi İntibariyle çalışıyor BilginizeRapid Linki Kaldırılmıştır Sitesinden Upload Edilmiştir 4QPQB-EUVHF-8CXY2-CXTDU-PVZ76
VXGV - FN54H - 5D7A8 - W693J - RWMNZ
| Bu resim boyutlandà olmuştur. Tıklayın bu bar tam görünüm için. Orijinal resim 814x388. |
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